Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Multiple Service Contract.

We have updated the finance screens to allow dealers to sell 3 different warranty products on the same deal.   

Your finance contracts will only show the first warranty product and the total for all warranties sold unless you have specifically sent the contract to be programmed for multiple warranties.

If you have sold multiple warranties on the same deal the system will ask you wish warranty you are printing the warranty form for and load the appropriate data.

The update does require that you update both the finance professional software and the forms printing software and that you run the data conversion process.

1 comment:

  1. paragraph two above, ". . . unless you have specifically sent the contract . . ." Sent? Or is this a typo that should say "specifically set . . ."? Is this a setting we can do internally, or are we sending this somewhere to be done?

    Third paragraph above, "the system will ask you wish warranty . . ." or is that a typo, and should read, "the system will ask you WHICH warranty." I'm not sure what I should be wishing for.
